Funny how I go about this game. First, I read it a lot from Facebook status of my friends. I was curious. But not quite. I am not really a "games" person and for the reason that my husband is the one who tends to get obsessed with games, I chose not to discover it. Promise, I really did not make any efforts on finding out what this game is all about. Here's the thing, Aldrin tends to get crazy over games. Any games. May it be DOTA, WoW, Cityville and even Happy Aquarium. He's the competitive type. He'd definitely have sleepless nights just to upgrade and level up. It's supposed to be okay. He considers this as his way of de-stressing and to relax. Fine. I get that. But what I hate about him when he plays these games is instead of de-stressing, I actually see him getting tired. He lacks sleep, he doesn't eat, he doesn't bathe, he goes to work late and the list goes on. So, there.
And so here's the story. I've been keeping this game from him for quite sometime now and my huge mistake was to mention I know a certain game but would't dare share to him. I understimated my husband's power. And few days since that conversation, I knew it. He has found it. And it was already installed in our lappy! Whoah!!! That quick, huh?
that tiny bird can actually split into three
Anyway, so obviously I lost. So I just took the chance of playing the game. At first, I thought it was stupid and brutal. Imagine birds flying out just to kill green pigs (aren't they?). Then just tonight, to my boredom (Sun Broadban is intermittent), I checked the game myself. Well, Aldrin's scores were already up the bar so I have to keep up. Hey, I'm that competitive as well. So I had to try several slings, jumps, angles and strategies to maximize my hits and drops to keep my scores running. Wooot! Addicting, it is! I also feel a slight pressure here. So now I think is the best time to channel my anger (or being upset) in this game. Also, those green pigs are quite a heckler! ugh! I have that gigil factor already. Watch out!
and that very angry yellow bird can do a super speed hit