You all probably read my Christmas Wishlist
post. And of course, my husband got to read it as well. And so for December, here's what I got...
Ray-Ban Outdoorsman |
Pardon my one and only picture since I took the photo using my phone only.
The story:
So my husband said he'll buy my the Outdoorsman that I like. We went through the malls to check the prices. It's Php8490.00 for every pair. Quite steep. I bargained with my husband. He'll just give me Php8,000 and I will pay for the Php490. He agreed. Well, he agreed because he has really no patience of scouting for good prices and he just put the responsibility on my shoulders of looking for my gift. He's not a good shopper.
Honestly, I am hesistant to buy this since the price is well... you know. So in search for the most affordable Ray-Ban shades, I bumped into this RIMA Warehouse sale in the internet. And days after anxiously waiting for the December 15 sale, at 8am sharp, I was already Pasong Tamo Ext. Unfortunately, the salesman said that they already ran out of Outdoorsman since they had their first sale last November. But I did not lose hope. I told kuya to look for more shades in their boxes. They found 2 - a regular Outdoorsman and a polarized one. I didn't get the polarized one because the shape does not fit my face. I held on tight to the only regular Outdoorsman since a lot of people are eye-ing on it and my money (Aldrin) is not yet here. Price by the way is Php3,900 only! Not bad!
Then Aldrin came, handed me his Php8,000 (Christmas gift budget). I did sort of a quality inspection and found a little defect on the sides of the shades but is not obvious actually.
Me: Kuya, may defect ng konti sa gilid. baka may discount pa yan?
Kuya: Wala na talaga maam.
Me: Okay, sige kunin ko na yan.
Kuya: Maam, pakibayaran na lang sa cashier.
At the cashier...
Me: Ate, baka naman may super super discount pa yan kasi may konting defect.
Cashier/ Supervisor: asan maam?
Me: ayan po (pointing at the tiny defect).
Cashier: o sige maam, Php1,990 na lang po.
Me: ooooohyeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Then I realized everyone was staring at me. Ray-Ban Outdoorsman for Php1,900 only. Quite a steal!!! It really pays when you do your research first and a professional haggler always comes in handy.